A guide to using the Shopkeepers plugin

This guide teaches you how to use the Shopkeepers plugin to set up your own shop on TheAutomationServer.

Step 1

hidden chest

Underneath each stand at the Trading Hall hides a double chest. It is directly below the conduit as depicted.

break blocks

When setting up a trading villager, you may break the brick wall and the iron stair below to reveal the chest.

Step 2

spawn command

Now point your crosshair at the chest, then issue the following command:

  • /shopkeeper Selling-shop if you are selling stuff for money
  • /shopkeeper Buying-shop if you are buying stuff with money
  • /shopkeeper Trading-shop if you want to buy and sell with the same villager, or if you are bartering

A villager should spawn standing on top of the chest.

Step 3

move villager

Sneak and right click the villager. This opens the Shopkeeper Editor. Click “Move shopkeeper” (the ender pearl).

move destination

Right click the stair behind to move your villager on top of it. You need to click the top face of the stair block.

Step 4

refill blocks

Place the stair and wall block, broken in Step 1, back in its place. Turn on the lamp to indicate your shop is open!

Step 5

gui explained

You may notice that the chest is now covered up. Worry not! Sneak and right click on your villager to open the Shopkeeper Editor. Here you can click the chest item to open the hidden chest.

If you are selling, put your product in the chest now. Or if you are buying, put coins into the chest.

Consult the diagram above for more Shopkeeper Editor usage. To set the desired amount of items / coins, left click to increment, right click to decrement.


That’s it! Have fun! If you have further questions, please consult the Shopkeepers Wiki or ask our admins.

发布于 March 28, 2024