TheAutomationServer Rules

Last revised 2023/9/17


  1. Obey Discord’s Term of Service.
  2. Be respectful to others.
  3. @everyone is used for announcements only, if at all.
  4. English, subsequently Mandarin, are commonly understood.
  5. keepInventory is to prevent loss. Do not abuse it as a quick back-to-home method.
  6. PvP on the basis that all parties are willing to participate.
  7. You may use alt accounts. A ban on someone affects all their accounts.

Policy towards “lag machines”

  1. Any contraption will be regarded as a lag machine if they cause significant and prolonged server-side lag by entities, redstone, light or block updates etc. A lag machine may or may not serve a practical purpose.
  2. @Creator reserve the right to remove lag machines.
  3. Some mods offer additional mechanisms to load chunks without players. Those chunk loaders (including portal loaders) must NOT be used unless permitted by @Creator.

Building and Terraforming rules

  1. Space yourself apart so people can expand their builds. You need the player’s permission to build within 4 chunks of their build.
  2. Large terraforming projects should be discussed with other members.
  3. Minecart railways are de-regulated, you can build them however you want; Create mod railways are regulated and must be built to standard.
  4. Creeper explosions no longer destroy blocks, but other explosives still do! Mis-using these will cause world rollbacks and bans.

The “Conservation of Energy” rules

  1. Unless used for testing, @Creator should not bring items, blocks or entities into the world. Once testing is done, these must be deleted immediately.
  2. @Creator must not exchange stuff obtained by command or from creative mode with other players. However, @Creator shall compensate players if their possessions are lost to server failures.
  3. “Perpetual motion” (ways to produce infinite material or energy with no input) as well as duplication exploits will be actively patched, except core mechanics like infinite water, lava, obsidian and stone. Another exception is renewable energy.
发布于 September 9, 2023